星期日, 1月 03, 2010

Appulous Troll Bridge Answers

Q:Kyek modified a Greasemonkey plugin to allow you to see if an Appulous IPA link was dead before you clicked it. The original plugin was the ________ Links Checker.
A: Cavern

Q:"You ssh to your phone and decide to rename "Documents" to "Other crap". Type the command to do it, without using quotes."
A: mv Documents Other\ crap

Q: Convert this to ASCII: 0x20496c31497c4f306f272222272020.
A: Il1I|O0o'""' (One space at the beginning two Spaces at the end)

Q: TheMonkeysBall.com was a two-man team: Wyze and _____________.
A: Scuzzy19 --Answer Provided By NewYorkDudZ

Q: What parent company hosted TheMonkeysBall.com?
A: OVH -- Answer Provided By Ed

Q: I wrote this command-line app to take revenge on those trying to sell cracked apps.
A: grabulous --Answer Provided By psycoffman

Q: This on-phone IPA installer predates both Installous and AppScene. What is it?
A: ipainstaller

Q:Who leaked the original Crackulous source code?
A: cdecl

Q:The Appulous test servers, on which new backend code and server configs are tested semi-publicly before moving to production, are provided by what company?
A: Amazon

Q: What feature of PHP 5.3 does Appulous make the most use of in its database system
A: Late static binding -----Answer Provided By ADR

Q:To whom did SaladFork turn over the Crackulous project?

Q:If the permissions are r-xrwxrwx, who can't write?
A: Owner

Q:Who did Labrat attempt to con into writing a private Appulous clone for his website?
A: andydam -- Answer Provided By psycoffman



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