星期四, 4月 16, 2020


  1. 用淡鹽水解凍 - 30 分鐘
  2. 可以剪一剪啲筋位
  3. 再用清水洗多2,3次,然後瀝乾所有水份
  4. 腌料:
    1. 豬扒800g
    2. 雞蛋一隻
    3. 鹽三分一茶匙
    4. 糖一茶匙
    5. 生抽一湯匙
    6. 雞汁/雞粉一茶匙
    7. 胡椒粉五分一茶匙
    8. 生粉,麵粉各一湯匙
  5. 用手慢慢腌一分鐘,然後落生油一湯匙 
  6. 腌半日或者隔晚

星期四, 4月 03, 2014

星期三, 12月 11, 2013

360影音大全 v2.0.0 Android 4.4 可開啟及下載版

以我所得,360影音大全應該還沒有支援android4.4以上版本,所以當你安裝了官方版之後,應該會彈出『不支持此rom版本』的信息。所以我特意修改了一下,令到android 4.4 亦能夠開啟此app,但是仍然不能夠播放所有視頻,幸運的是能夠下載當中的視頻,然後用外置播放器播放!!



Nexus 7 (2013) upgrade to official Android 4.4 and root besides OTA

如果你的nexus 7 (2013)已經rooted 或者 installed custom recovery 而導致不能ota 升級android 4.4 的話,可以試試以下的方法:

Wug's Nexus Root Toolkit (NRT): http://www.wugfresh.com/nrt/
Google 官方images:https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images

1. 不需要解壓image檔,不過如果你想保留之前的資料,請使用winrar/7-zip 進入壓縮檔,尋找flash-all.bat,使用記事本或其他軟件修改其內容,將裡面 fastboot -w 的 -w 去掉,這樣的話,升級過程中就不會刪除所有資料。

2. 開啟NRT,選擇好你現在的android版本及build version,然後按『flash stock + unroot』(按之前先確定你的nexus7是否能正常使用,能的話就選擇device on/normal,不能的話就選擇 soft-bricked/bootloop),然後選中你的image檔,按確定後就耐心等待吧!完成後就會自動進入android 4.4。

3. 如果你想root及安裝custom recovery,可以再次開啟nrt(不過記住改變你的android version 及build version),按root(按之前先選擇下面的custom recovery),等待重新開機便完成了。

其實坊間有好多其他辦法,例如:http://bbs.gfan.com/android-6925727-1-1.html ,但我在想保留資料的情況下升級到anroid 4.4後,launcher根本不能顯示,其他軟件都不能使用,就算我不保留資料,都會在升級過程中顯示archieve not contain "boot.sig", "recovery.sig", "system.sig",最後會卡在開機畫面,我發現因為可能某些原因導致這個方法不能建立file system,令到卡在開機畫面!!

星期五, 12月 06, 2013

MyTV 3.0.4 地區限制破解





星期五, 6月 01, 2012

Tutorial on the failsafe method to restore the current version of IOS

Welcome to the iPadForums.net tutorial on the failsafe method to restore the current version of IOS on your device.

 From time to time our iPads do get messed up and you want to get the device back up and running on the latest firmware so you have a fresh platform to start over. This guide will help you get your device restored with the latest firmware whilst avoiding most of the common iTunes errors along the way.

1. Update iTunes to the latest version
 If you are going to install the current version of IOS reliably, make sure you are running the latest version of iTunes. Use the "Check for updates..." menu item in iTunes.

 To restore 5.x IOS you must be on at least iTunes 10.5 or newer...

2. Fix Hosts File
 Lots of iPad owners mess with their hosts file but don't really understand the changes that have been made or why they made them. Usually it is to allow an older firmware to be installed by using SHSH Blobs from Cydia. Having a hosts file which is pointing towards Cydia and not Apple is probably the number one cause of issues when trying to restore a device. Normally, this gives an iTunes Error 3194. To make sure your hosts file is pointing back to Apple, follow this process:
Download the latest version of TinyUmbrella from here - The Firmware Umbrella - TinyUmbrella
Once downloaded, start the TU program
Switch to the "Advanced" tab
UNTICK the option which says "Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit"
Close TinyUmbrella - We will not use this application again during this process, so make sure it is closed.

 Alternatively, if you know what the "hosts" file is and how to edit it manually, remove ALL references to gs.apple.com from the file and save it.
On Windows the hosts file can be found in: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
On OSX the hosts file lives in /private/etc/hosts

3. Download the IOS5 firmware to your desktop
iTunes is not very forgiving when it comes to unreliable internet connections or times when the download servers are being put under a lot of strain, e.g. when a new firmware is released. Therefore, it is usually best to download the firmware file directly to your desktop and then direct iTunes to use it.

 Download the latest version of IOS for your device from our sticky here - Official Apple IOS Firmware Download Links for iPad

NOTE: - This tutorial does not cover installing an old version of IOS on your device. You can only use this guide to install a version of IOS on your device which Apple is currently signing. DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO PICK AN OLDER VERSION WHICH YOU KNOW IS NO LONGER BEING SIGNED! It will not work using this method.
 If you are using Windows and Internet Explorer, make sure you rename the file back to have an extension of IPSW if it gets renamed with ZIP. This is a fault of Windows and IE, and nothing to do with Apple! You could also consider using a better browser such as Chrome or Firefox to avoid this issue altogether...

4. Put your device into DFU mode
 Restoring a device by just connecting it to iTunes and pressing restore will only work if the iPad is working properly. Invariably, and especially if you are looking at this post, something has gone wrong before you got here, so it is unlikely that a normal restore will work. In order to get the restore to complete normally, you MUST put your device into DFU mode.

 In order to put your device into DFU mode, with the iPad connected to your computer and turned on, you must press the "home" and "power" buttons together for EXACTLY 10 seconds at which point you must release "power" but continue to hold "home". After about 15 seconds, the device will enter DFU mode.

 Once your device is in DFU mode the screen should be blank. If anything else is showing on the screen, such as the "connect to iTunes" logo, you got it wrong. You must get the device into DFU mode successfully. Try again

 If you need more help with DFU mode, see our guide here - DFU Mode for Dummies

5. Temporarily Disable 3rd Party Tools
 Sometimes, 3rd party apps such as firewalls, anti-viruns, and anti-malware software can interfere with the restore process, particularly on Windows. If you are having trouble, it's best to temporarily disable all these on your PC whilst you carry out the restore.

6. Manually restore in iTunes
 Finally, you are ready to restore your device using the firmware you downloaded in Step 2. Make sure it has completed the download of course!

 Open iTunes and it should report that it has discovered a device in recovery mode and must restore it. Good! That's exactly what we want. Click the OK button to dismiss the dialogue box.

 Now you must Shift-Restore (Windows) or Option-Restore (OSX) to select the firmware you downloaded. This means you must hold down the shift key (on Windows) or the option key (on OSX) on your keyboard whilst clicking the "Restore" button in iTunes with your mouse. If you do this correctly, an Explorer or Finder window will pop up and allow you to navigate to the firmware file you downloaded in Step 2. Find the file and choose it for the restore.

Done! iTunes should now restore your firmware file on your iPad without any errors.

 If you run into problems make sure you followed all the steps correctly and also check you are not connecting via a USB Hub. Always connect directly to your PC. Try a different USB port and if possible a different cable, particularly if you are not using the original cable.
 If it still fails after this, post details of the error message and we'll see if we can help.

星期五, 7月 08, 2011






使用iBackupBot for iTunes

首先下載軟體iBackupBot for iTunes 3.1.0,執行iBackupBot.exe開始使用。

iBackupBot for iTunes












星期三, 1月 05, 2011

PS3 改機問題總集


Q. 目前 PS3 改機的方式為何?
A: 目前改機的方式是在 PS3 主機接上特殊的 USB 設備,
然後利用 PS3 Service 模式的漏洞達到破解的效果,

Q. 所有的主機都能夠改機嗎?
A: 系統韌體版本需小於等於 3.41
目前有支援的版本是 3.01, 3.10, 3.15, 3.41
(注意 3.41 有兩個版本要下載新的那個才有修正大容量硬碟不支援的 bug)

Q. 目前市面上的 PS3 主機韌體是多少?
A: 目前(2010/10)市場上的主機內建的韌體皆為 3.40 或更低的版本,
少部分是 3.41 的版本,
Update 2010/10/17:
已經出現內建 3.42/3.5 以上版本韌體的主機,

Q. 我的韌體已經升級到最新版了可以降級嗎?
A: 不行,目前只能透過類似更換主機板的方式硬體降級

Q. PS3 改機的基本配備或需求是甚麼?
A: 1. PS3 主機 (電玩店老闆有賣)
2. PSJB 破解棒或其他改過的 USB 設備 (部分電玩店老闆有賣)
3. 一片正版遊戲片作為引導片 (非必要, 電玩店老闆有賣)

Q. 改機後的備份遊戲是存放在何處?
A: 存放在 PS3 內接硬碟內,目前也有支援外接硬碟,
不過若是外接硬碟內的備份檔有單一檔案大於 4GB,

Q. 市面上的破解棒/電子狗很多我該如何選?
A: 面對電玩店老闆有如刺蛇般滔滔不絕,

Q. 我想自己做破解棒該如何做?
A: 請到 PTT Modchip 版按 '/' 搜尋 cassine 大大在版上的 "如何自製PSJB工具" 系列文

Q. 哪些 USB 裝置可以當作破解棒使用?
A: 目前可以拿來改造成破解棒的裝置一覽表


Q. 破解棒買好了接下來該如何改機?
A: 1. 先把 PS3 主機關機
2. 拔除電源線和所有 USB 裝置 (重要)
3. 接上電源線,USB孔只接上破解棒
4. 按下 PS3 上面的"開機按鈕"並快速按下"退片鍵"
5. 成功的話應該會在遊戲選項中多出兩個★開頭的選項,
★/app_home/PS3_GAME/ 備份遊戲的掛載點
★install Package Files 安裝自製程式的選項

Q. 破解成功後如何備份遊戲和執行備份遊戲
猴子來襲 blog 上的威爾斯柏的圖文教學可以參考
1. 把 Open Backup Manager 程式的 pkg 安裝檔複製到隨身碟根目錄中
假設是放到 H:\obm.pkg
2. PS3 開機在破解模式下, 選擇 ★install Package Files
3. 選擇 obm.pkg 安裝 Open Backup Manager
4. 此時在遊戲選單中會多出個 Open Backup Manager 的程式點選執行
5. 按 "select" 鍵可以備份遊戲
6. 按 x 執行備份的遊戲

Q. 有推薦的 Backup Manager 嗎?
A: Gaia Manager 操作介面清楚易懂, 並顯示許多有用的資訊在程式界面上
Cover Manager 操作介面相對漂亮許多, 但程式在介面上較少操作提示
想美觀 => Cover Manager 想看更多資訊 =>Gaia Manager

Q. 怎麼把備份遊戲從電腦複製到 PS3 (或是PS3->電腦)
A: 請安裝 blackb0x ftp server
猴子來襲 威爾斯柏的圖文教學:
或是使用 Awesome Filemanager
電腦上的 FTP Client 推薦 Filezilla 和 FlashFXP,
設定中強制使用主動模式並限制連線數為 1

Q. 每次開機都要重新破解?
A: 目前是每次開機都需要重新破解進入破解模式(自製程式不用重新裝)

Q. 所有的遊戲都能免引導光碟嗎?
A: 大部分遊戲可以免光碟但是還是有部分遊戲需要放引導片(任何一片正版遊戲光碟)

Q. 怎麼知道哪些備份遊戲能玩哪些不能玩?
A: 這裡有遊戲相容性列表


Q. 改機後可以上網對戰或是使用 PSN 嗎?
A: 都不行,連上去會讓你的主機就永遠被關進小黑屋,只能玩單機了

Q. 改機後支援金手指嗎?
A: 目前還不支援 cheat engine 之類的修改程式,

Q. 是否支援 PSMove?
A: 3.41 版的韌體有支援 PSMove

Q. 自行更換硬碟要注意什麼?
A. satandavid 大大撰寫的從採購到更換詳細解說 :

Q. 硬碟容量支援到多大?
A: 內接有支援到 1TB, 外接 USB 有支援到 2TB

Q. 備份到硬碟的遊戲如何更新?
A: 需要下載好更新檔後透過 demomanager 安裝
所以可以直接更新, 除非更新上有問題才需要用上面的方式更新

Q. 有辦法不將 PS3 連上網更新遊戲嗎?/如何透過電腦下載遊戲更新檔?
A: 可以使用 PSNUpdateHunter 或是 Awesome Update Finder
下載 PKG 更新檔到隨身碟然後接到 PS3 主機自行安裝
PSNUpdateHunter 介紹文:
Awesome Update Finder 介紹文:

Q. 我可以自己用藍光燒錄機備份遊戲片嗎?
A: 不行, PS3 遊戲光碟有特殊的識別碼,
PS3 用該識別碼判斷光碟是資料片或是遊戲片,

Q. 新買的遊戲要求更新韌體到 3.41 以上有辦法不更新就能玩嗎?
A: 有下面四種情況
(1) 刪除 PS3_UPDATE 資料夾後就可以直接玩
(2) 使用 PS SFO Editor/PS3SYS 修改 PS3_GAME\PARAM.SFO 將運行的版本改成 3.41
(3) 拿其他 3.41 遊戲的 Eboot.bin 取代原本的 PS3_GAME\Eboot.bin
這情況是 Eboot.bin 使用新的金鑰加密,
所以原本 3.41 的系統無法解密 3.42 以上版本的 Eboot.bin
(4) 上面的都做了還是無法玩 => 暫時無解

Q. 有辦法不進 Backup Manager 就直接執行備份遊戲嗎?
A: 有, 方法如下, 設定完成後遊戲會出現在 PS3 XMB 的選單上面



星期日, 1月 02, 2011

PS3 自制電子狗


ipod touch/ iphone:
如在輸入COMMAND時遇上access denied, 請先輸入 chmod +x "xxxxxxxx" 以改變權限

- Backup Manager
- Open Manager

Upgraded to OS 6 for the BlackBerry Curve 3G (9300)


Download the file above, first.

Do a backup of your device first, using Desktop Manager > Backup. Close Desktop Manager upon completion.

1. Download the OS file to the PC then install it to the PC by running (double clicking) the file you downloaded.
2. Go to c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader and delete the file named "vendor.xml."
3. Plug in BB and double click on "Loader.exe." It's located in the same place as the above vendor.xml file.
4. Follow the procedures.